Sunday, October 2, 2011


Dear QotD?ers,

Ok, so maybe it wasn't a bear.  I tried to get a picture on the way home Thursday, but it turned out pretty terrible.  Since I don't have any proof..... well, he doesn't have proof that it wasn't a bear.

Today's Question of the Day? is:

Would you rather have a tree house or a playhouse (on the ground), and why?

The Asker


Auntie Barb said...

wow, Well, I would say tree house. I think the height inspires more creativity because you can imagine you are on a mountain, in an airplane, on top of a boat mast. There are so many ways you can play when up high. You can also see others coming. Yes, definitely a tree house.

kathleen said...

As a child, I wanted a tree house. I would draw elaborate plans for tree houses connecting to other tree houses,with different types of stairs, ropes, etc. I thought it would be 'so neat' to have snacks where you could pull them up on a rope. And my gosh, if you had an electrical cord, you could have TV. Yup, I agree with Auntie Barb. It would inspire more creativity.
As a parent,
well, would be a playhouse.

Tami Parker said...

Tree house.

I was always climbing trees as a kid. I'd stay up there for hours, just daydreaming and listening to the sound of the wind through the leaves.

Unquestionably, a tree house.

Jessim said...

As a kid- treehouse!
Now- playhouse.

Why? I wasn't scared of heights then!

Mother of Three, Anne said...

To have a tree house, you have to have a nice old tree. Playhouses can be built anywhere.

In one of our many discussions, concepts for playhouses were discussed. Firehouse, spaceship, castle, pirate ship and just plain old house playhouses were the short list on really fun ideas. Most of these were two story structures in concept.

If we had trees big enough, we would probably have a playhouse/treehouse in the yard.

I think I have to vote for playhouse, because it is not contingent on anything but space.

Mr. SuperHappySunshineSmileyFace said...

A tree house, because then I can rule over the backyard like a cruel, sadistic dictator.

Mr. Super Happy Sunshine Angry Face, doubting his alignment

Dr. Fandango said...

Dear The Asker,

Playhouse fully equipped with underground evil lair, laser death ray, booby traps, ninja guards, and adorable tea set with unsuspecting girl.

Dr. Fandango, destroyer of girliness

The Minears said...

Playhouse, I'm fairly clumsy.

amanda said...

I have ALWAYS wanted a treehouse with an awesome ladder that's big enough to have slumber parties in!

Kristen said...

Auntie Barb, I would never have thought of that, the extra ways you can play pretend..

Mom, I love picturing you as a little girl making those sketches

TamiJean, aw, so sweet

Jessi, I hear ya, sister

Anne, yeah, a treehouse wouldn't be possible in our backyard.

Mr. Face, OH NO!

Dr Fandango, hmm. that tea set looks mighty inviting...

Angel-A, good reason

Amanada, oh! a sleepover would be so awesome!