Monday, September 13, 2010

I return! briefly

Dear QotD?ers,

It's me! I'm back for a quick question and update and then we'll get back to the guests.

It's about time for me to tell you what my big project is. There's still no visible progress, but I've been working very hard on it.

I am pregnant!

This is our first public announcement (because I love you best. facebook can wait a few more days), so don't be upset that you haven't heard about it yet. Here are some of the details:
-we are very excited
-at the end of my first trimester
-due date will be sometime mid-March
-we do not plan on learning the gender
-I am still dealing with nausea. This is the biggest problem and I why I have been so reclusive lately. I put all my energy into drinking, eating and resting - and going to work because I have to. I'm on some anti-nausea medication, which has been helping. At this point I do not require further advice on managing nausea. I've heard it all and it hasn't helped me. I am a sad sad pregnant lady. Please put me in your prayers and/or happy thoughts.

If you want further details, e-mail or call me. I'll try to keep from sharing too much information on this blog, unless it's really fun and exciting information.

Today's Question of the Day? is:
What's the best food to get at the fair?

The Pregnant Asker


Jessim said...

OMG!!! Congratulations to both of you!

Best fair food- cotton candy.
And if at the Texas State Fair- the classic corndog.

Auntie Barb said...

I would have to go with the candy apple, or roasted corn.
You will be the first to make me a "Great Aunt"! So proud for you. My nausea was always around supper time which got me out of cooking supper for quite a while. So sorry you've been sick.
Love you.

Tami Parker said...

Eee! Congratulations, congratulations!!!

And oh, the mystery of the baby's gender! How fun!

I don't ... really know what they sell at fairs. Things on sticks and things that are deep fried and deep fried things on sticks, I think. Covered in powdered sugar.

Mother of Three, Anne said...

YeeHaw!! A solid contribution to the genetic pool!! And another March birthday!!

If it helps, and only in the sense that it would make you smile, I thought I was depressed for two months when I was in fact pregnant with Jacob. I think that counts for sad, sad pregnant lady. My energy and sense of well-being came back in that second trimester. I hope that this is true for you and that the nausea abates soon.

We also never learned the gender for Jacob. We figured, since we had not planned on having children for two years, that we might as well go full tilt with the surprises.

I have no answer today. I have not been to the State Fair in several years and have no memories of foods that I must have!

Anonymous said...

Dear The Asker,
You have three days to guess my name or you will have to give me your first born child. In which case I will name it all of the below:
Dr. Fandango number 2
The poop machine
Ricky ticky timbo no sarimbo chari chari butchi pip perri pimbo(but not all at once)
Ham steak
and last but not least.
Dr. Fandango, Namer of Baby-saurous Rex

groovysabrina said...

woohoo! Congratulations!!!

I'm gonna be an aunt :)

I hear that the second trimester is smooth sailing. best wishes to you both!!

groovysabrina said...

p.s. Funnel Cakes

Erin said...

Congratulations are in order! I'm sorry you've been sick. That really is not fun. Luckily, in a few weeks you won't remember how bad it was. It is all worth it!

Moana Shake said...

I just love fair food. After Ileave the fair it does not love me as much.

Have to get the carmel apple. Have to get the fletcher dog. And must get whatever won the fried contest(this year it is fried frito pie).

Now on to the really important things. YEAH! CONGRATS! YEAH! You will be awesome parents. A good uni-sex name is always Mimi. Just throwing it out there. It is a family name for me but I am offering it up to the highest bidder.